目前分類:影音檔 (16)

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Music for Relief has brought together an incredible album of artists who have all generously donated original songs to support the Haiti relief effort. Artists include: Linkin Park, Dave Matthews Band, Peter Gabriel, Alanis Morissette, Slash, The All-American Rejects, Hoobastank, Kenna, Enrique Iglesias and Lupe Fiasco team up with Music For Relief to aid earthquake victims.
海地大地震聲援專輯, 許多知名歌手都慷慨地奉獻歌曲, 為在海地投入救災的人員及災民們加油打氣。

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以電影手法拍攝, 整支MV近9分鐘長(包含片頭30sec及謝幕3min)
30 Seconds To Mars 號召千名歌迷一起騎腳踏車快閃, 從LA騎到Santa Monica

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Merry Xmas everyone! =D

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來自澳洲的 Orianthi 從六歲就開始接觸音樂
她精湛的琴藝, 也獲得 Santana 的讚賞

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好久不見的 Michelle Branch 終於即將出新專輯了!

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The official music video for “New Divide”, filmed on the set of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, directed by Joe Hahn.
Get the song at iTunes now. The soundtrack from the film is in stores 6/23.

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現在美國樂壇當紅炸子雞 - Kris Allen(克克) & Adam Lambert (當當)
兩人的同首單曲No Boundaries, 我卡呷意當當的版本

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天阿! 這部電影還要等到年底才能看到@@

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Savage Garden 的歌真的很棒! (雖然已經解散了)
尤其我最喜歡 Affirmation 專輯裡的這首 "The Lover After Me"

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基本上用Google翻譯,我重新編排了一下...大致上意思應該對啦= =

  The title of Linkin Park's new song is "New Divide." As most of you have heard, it is the theme song and lead single from the upcoming movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The song will premiere on radio worldwide on May 18 and will also be available for download on iTunes that same day!

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The Saturdays 是英國近期新崛起的一個女生團體
就如同團名,曲風裡結合Hip-Hop, R&B, 電子和POP音素

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Justin TimberlakeCiara ...
好吧! 雖然他們倆是同間公司

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首波主打歌 "Just Dance",最近幾週擠下 Beyonce 成為新一代的性感女神。在許多各大排行榜:Billboard Hot 100、英國金榜、iTunes MP3 Downloads 都有第一名的好成績,Amazon.com MP3 Downloads 排名第五

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 Detroit Metal City

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很久沒發行專輯的美聲R&B歌后 Brandy

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